Electricity Lightning

Minggu, 21 Februari 2016


Rangkuman materi bahasa inggris kelas IX 
Chapter 1

  Agreement And Disgreement

Expressing Agreement
- i agree
- you are right
- tha'ts right
- that's true
- it's true
- i know
- absolutely
- definitely
- no doubt about it
- tha'ts exactly
- you took the words out of my mouth
- i suppose you're are right
- i suppose that's right
- that maybe true
- might be true
- that mgiht be true
- you have a point there
- i see your point
- i afraid you're right
- i'am afraid i have to agree
- i hate to admit it but its's true
- i hate to admit it but you're right

Expressing Disagreement
- i disagree
- i don't agree
- i can't agree
- i don't think so
- i not sure (about that)
- i don't know (about that)
- i not sure if i agree with you about that
- i would'nt say that
- i would'nt go as far as that
- i would'nt go so far as to say that
- i wish i could agree (....with you but.....)
- i hate to disagree (with you but....)
- i don't mean to disagree (with you but....)
- i dont't mean to argue (about that but....)
- i dont want to start/get into and agreement (with you about it but...)

Chapter II

in this chapter we will learn
 - to tell or ask others to do and no to do something
 - to state the purpose or intention to do it

~ tell / ask others to do / not to do
 I,you,they,we (HAVE TO) >  SHOULD / MUST
 She,he,it (HAS TO)           >  SHOULD / MUST

~ don't have to    > SHOULD'NT / MUSNT
~ doesn't have to > SHOULD'NT / MUSNT

~ state purpose / intention  - in order to - be + adj
                                                             - V1
                                         - so that + S
                                         - to + be + adj

Chapter III

Grammar Review

1.Plural and Singular

     Plural is a word or part of a word which shows that you are talking about more than one person or thing.
for example "babies" is the plural of "baby".while,the singular is a form of word used to talk about one thing.
for example "woman" is the singular from of "women".

A.We use some nouns in the plural. for example :

you can also use a pair of .... with the these words
- I need some new trousers or i need a new pair of trousers or i need a new pair of trousers.

B.We dont often use the plural of person ('person').instead we use people :
   - he is a nice people.
   - they are nice people.

C.These words end in -s ,but they are not usually plural :

example :
 - atlethics is my favorite sport.
 - what time is the news on television ?

these words end in -s can be singular on plural :
   means                a means of trasport          many means of transport
   series                 a television series             two television series
   species              a species of bird               zoo species of bird

D.Some singular nouns are often used with a plural verb. for example:
  -Goverment staff team family comitee
 we often think of these things as a number of people ('they') not as are thing ('it'). so we often use a plural verb :
  -the government (= they )  want to reduce taxes
  -the staff (=they) aren't happy with their new working conditions
A singular verb ('the goverment wants .... ') is also possible.

   NOTE : that we manually use a plural verb with the names of sports team :
-  Scotland are playing with france in a football match next week.

    we always use a plural verb with the police
-  the police have arrested Tom.
-  are the police well - paid ?

E.Sometimes we use a plural noun with a singular verb.we do this when we talk about a sum of money,period of time distance etc.
   - five thousand pounds (=it) was stolen in the robbery  ( not 'were stolen')
   - three years (=it) is along time to be without Rifki  (not 'are')

F.We say 'a holiday of three weeks' but 'a three - week holiday'
   - I've got a three week holiday in july. (not 'a three-weeks holiday)
here,three week is used as an adjective before 'holiday' when we use 'three-weeks' as an adjective,it loses the S. so we say :
   - a ten pounds note (not 'pounds')
   - a four - week english course
   - two 14 - year - old girls
   - a six - hour journey
  you can also say i've got three weeks 'holiday'

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